Welcome to SITA Trust
We're here to support community and environmental improvement projects through the Landfill Communities Fund and Scottish Landfill Communities Fund.
On our website you can find out how to apply and see what projects we have supported across the UK.

Featured Projects
Access the Buzz on the Millennium Green
We plan to create a diverse range of habitats that are appropriate to the site conditions creating more feeding opportunities for birds, bees, bats and bugs thereby enriching the whole area. Within the wildflower meadow we wish to create a talking point by having a felled Ash tree carved read more
Worthington Church Improvements
Provision of easy access WC; kitchenette and easy access door and ramps; heating modifications, for a useful space for ca. 100 people read more
Alternative Funding from Payday Loans
If you require fast funding there are many companies in the private sector that can help. Wage Day Advance offer payday loans that can be paid out within 60 minutes. Even with bad credit, a loan from a lender like this will usually be approved.
Whitfield Valley Centre Gym Site Improvements
The project will enable improvements to the facilities at the on site gym including installation of an air conditioning system, television installation in the gym and replacement seats for two recumbent cycles. read more
Friendly Bandroom Roof Replacement
The existing roof has now started to leak so badly that the only solution is to replace it. This a massive outlay to a small organisation like the Friendly Band and could have threatened the existence of the band in its spiritual home area. This grant will make a huge difference to the Band. It will allow for the repairs to be carried out, securing the Bands future, securing the building and allowing the Bandroom to be used by the local community. read more
Studio B Investment Project
This project aims to improve the dance studio with a new acoustic ceiling, new sliding doors, relaying the dance floor and installing new studio wall mirrors. read more