SITA Trust - Enhancing communities, Enriching nature, Engaging people

Apply for Funding

SITA Trust runs three funding programmes:

  • Enhancing Communities: for community improvement projects within three miles of qualifying waste processing sites owned by SITA UK.
  • Enriching Nature: for biodiversity conservation projects within ten miles of any landfill site in England.
  • GreenPrints: a joint funded youth volunteering programme encouraging 16 to 25 year olds to improve and increase the green spaces where they live.

Click on one of the options on the left hand side to find out all you need to apply.

(If you are familiar with LCF terminology, Enhancing Communities covers Objects D & E through the Landfill Communities fund and Enriching Nature covers Object DA)

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Projects Section

Farnahm Castle in Surrey has received funding from SITA Trust

Projects funded by SITA Trust

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See also