About Us
SITA Trust is a funding organisation that supports community and environmental improvement projects through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). Organisations can apply directly to us for funding.
We support community improvement projects around qualifying waste processing sites owned by recycling and resource management company, SITA UK and biodiversity and youth volunteering projects around any landfill site in England. We have seperate arrangements in Scotland and Wales
SITA Trust has allocated more than £68m to over 2000 projects across the UK since 1997.
SITA Trust was the first Environmental Body(EB) to become accredited by the LCF scheme regulator, ENTRUST, and we are proud to be one of very few EB's to have gained this status.
This web site contains all you need to know about how to apply for funding.
SITA Trust distributes funding through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) which is donated by the waste management company, SITA UK.
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